Leefort Residents and Affordability Restrictions

Affordable Homes for All Current and Future Residents

Beacon Communities initially proposed a mix of public housing (replacing all 50 existing), affordable, and market rate apartments. Based on resident and community feedback, we have changed to an all affordable approach—a mix of public housing and affordable housing for very low income and working households. The redeveloped Leefort Terrace will be 100% affordable rental housing as follows -

All 124 units will be deed-restricted restricted for 99 years The incomes of households living at the new development will be restricted to:

  • At least 25 households making very low incomes of 30% of Area Median Income (AMI) or less
  • No more than 99 households making low incomes of 60% of AMI of AMI or less

The 50 replacement units will be further restricted as public housing units for 99 years

All 124 units will have a Project-Based subsidy, which:

  • Restricts eligibility to households with incomes at or below 50% of Area Median Income and limits tenant rent and utility payments to 30% of income, for the maximum initial contract term of 20 years (renewable)
  • Effectively deepens affordability on these units to any households with income under 50% AMI

The residents of Leefort Terrace are a mixture of diverse and unique elderly and/or disabled individuals.

Many current residents have lived at Leefort Terrace for many years and have experienced the deterioration of their living conditions over time. These residents are crucial members of the Salem community and the redevelopment of Leefort Terrace is helping them get the modern and updated homes that they deserve.Current residents will be temporarily relocated offsite during construction, all residents in good standing will have the right to return to the newly redeveloped Leefort Terrace. Beacon and SHA will be responsible to cover all costs associated with relocation. A housing relocation consultant, Housing Opportunities Unlimited, that will work individually with each resident throughout the entire relocation process to help them find the best fit for their temporary relocation needs. Upon return to the new building, Leefort Terrace residents will continue to pay 30% of their income towards rent, including utilities, as they do today.The new building will include a large community room with a kitchen and area for computer learning, a fitness center and a wellness office with an exam room. A full time Resident Services Coordinator will oversee a plethora of activities and services to support residents to thrive in all areas of their lives.

Resident Relocation Services

Beacon will hire a full time Resident Services Coordinator (RSC) during the relocation period who will a work to keep Leefort Terrace residents connected and engaged, and to connect them with services in the community that they may benefit from. The RSC will get to know residents and create a customized benefit a plan to meet their needs. Expected resident engagement activities during the temporary relocation period will include:

  • Connecting Residents to services eligible benefits and local resources based on their benefits individual needs including insurance counseling, reasonable accommodations, and mental health supports.
  • Fostering Partnerships and Programming Collaborations with local service providers such as Salem State, North Shore Community Health Center, the Salem Pantry and the as Bentley School.
  • Hosting Community Building Events and Gatherings to strengthen residents and external community wide relationships.

New Resident Services

Once residents are relocated back to Leefort Terrace, the full time Resident Services Coordinator will expand on the engagement activities above. Depending on the needs of the residents they will also offer additional services such as:

  • Computer Learning and Usage of Technology -Technology; computer centers with desktops, tablets, Alexa shows & dots, emergency pendants.
  • On-site Wellness Wellness -Healthcare Healthcare Partners, Partners, Nursing Nursing & & Medical Schools, Telehealth and Collaborations with Community Health Providers.
  • Enrichment Class- Art Classes - Art Therapy / Memoir Writing / ESOL / Spanish / Cardio Fitness / Nutrition / Yoga / Financial Literacy / Low Vision Programming
  • Employment Workforce Development and Support
  • Academic Enrichment and Support for Youth, Young Adults and Seniors